Lepus curpaeums
Continental giants are one of the oldest & largest breeds of rabbits in existence. Experts believe that this giant rabbit breed might be descended from related breeds such as the Stone Rabbit and the European Patagonian; both of which are now extinct, but were raised for fur and meat purposes. The first recorded reference to this breed was noted as being from the Flanders region in Belgium, during the 16th Century.
True giants…
These rabbits can weigh up to 10kgs and even hold the record for the longest rabbit at just over 1.3 metres!
Continental giant rabbits reach sexual maturity at around 8 months old, and females can give birth to litters of up to 12 young. The gestation period normally lasts between 28 and 32 days.
Did you know?
A male continental giant rabbit is known as a Buck and a female is a Doe!